Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Child Labour - Stolen dreams-

Introducción al Diseño Curricular de 6to.Año 
                English &ICT-región 5
Profesora a cargo: Stella Maris Saubidet
Integrantes:    Ana María Cordi
                          Claudia Ferreyra
                          Lilia María Perazzolo
                          Alejandra Rodriguez

Project:     Child Labour – “Stolen Dreams”
Teaching sequence:
Introducing the topic:
Warm up:
The teacher will show the students a video:

After watching the movie the teacher will ask the students the following questions:
1-What are the three or four adjectives that best describe both children?
2-What are the two or three questions you would like to ask each boy that would help you to better know about them?
    (These questions will be discussed by the whole class)
Activity 1
a- Applying technology “Power Point”
The teacher will show students a set of authentic pictures on child labourers           (through INTRANET) asking them to work in groups and discussing what the pictures are about.
The teacher says
“Please notice the following, and discuss them with your group”
1) Clothing and hairstyles (does it differ from yours, how)
2) Tools (are there any you recognize)
3) Machines and buildings (what are their working conditions)
4) Age of the children
5) The type of work they are doing (does it look fun, dangerous...)”.
After their discussion, photocopies with reference to each image are delivered among students. Finally the teacher encourages students to use Power Point (which has already been applied for tasks before), typing the corresponding description of every picture below each of them. Students will have to choose a headline for this Power Point.
(The teacher will suggest one such as “Stolen Dreams”)

A Brazilian boy, his face and
clothes covered with dirt,
stands in the midst of a
garbage dumps in São Paulo.
At least 60 million children
worldwide are exploited under
extreme forms of child labour
such as debt bondage and
other forms of slavery,
prostitution or participation in
armed conflict.

Poverty forces this girl into the
hazardous job of breaking rocks.
Civil unrest and HIV/AIDS also
add to the complexity of addressing   child labour.

A shoeshine boy
sleeps on a doorstep
in Hanoi, Viet Nam,
his head resting on
the box containing
his tools of trade.
Roughly 54 per cent
of children who work
in Asia are boys.

A young girl who should be in
school carries merchandise for
sale in Antigua, Guatemala. For
cultural and economic reasons,
girls are disadvantaged when
children have to work to
supplement the family income.

Assessment: the teacher will ask students to share their choices and explain why they selected the scripts for each pictures.